Adding Decaptcher Login Details to Enable Automatic Submission

Using the Captcha Decoding Service provide by, SliQ Submitter Plus supports fully automatic directory submission including decoding of captchas. is a completely independent service to SliQ Submitter Plus. You create an account at and then enter your decaptcher account login details into SliQ in order to enable automatic submission.

To enable, Decaptcher support, do the following:-

1. Select the Captcha Support tab as highlighted in the picture below.

Captcha Support Tab

Then enter your account details into the fields highlighted in this picture. Account

After entering you account login and password, you can test your account by pressing the Test Decaptcher button.

2. Check the Enable use of Decaptcher when Submitter checkbox.

3. Switch to the Directory Campaign tab.

4. Press the Launch Fast button in the toolbar
Fast Directory Submitter

SliQ will load the Fast Submission interface and begin loading directories.