When submitting an article, you can end up with hundreds of
copies of your article on different sites. To make the most of your
submission efforts, it is preferable if each site on which your
article is published ends up with a uniquely worded copy of the
article. To aid you in submitting unique content to each website,
SliQ supports the use of spin syntax. Spin syntax allows you to
specify alternatives for phrases. SliQ will then randomly use your
recommended alternatives when submitting your article.
For more information, see:
Spin Syntax
SliQ supports spin syntax such as: {phrase1|phrase2|phrase3}.
For example:
When {submitting an article|performing article submission}, you can {end up with|get} hundreds of copies
When SliQ submits, it will randomly use different parts of the
spinned phrases, e.g. the above example might be submitted to one
directory as:
When submitting an article, you can get hundreds of copies
and to another as:
When performing article submission, you can end up with hundreds of copies
Spinning by
The best method of spinning article text is to do the spinning
manually. Doing spinning manually lets you make sure the spun
content is readable and makes sense. Having more readable articles
will increase your chances of the article being accepted by the
directory editor.
While spinning by hand produces the best results, it can be
time-consuming. You may decide not to spin articles at all or you
might use the automatic article spinning service supported by SliQ.
For details of the article spinning service, see the Spinner
Configuration tab in SliQ Article Submitter (shown below) or visit
See Also